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Ree Nancarrow and Margo Klass Exhibit at Bunnell Street Arts Center

Fiber artist Ree Nancarrow and sculptor Margo Klass exhibit together at Bunnell Street Arts Center for the month of May.

Ree says about the exhibit: “This body of work draws inspiration from changes I have seen take place over many years living in Alaska. Many of them are visible and accelerated due to global warming, which deeply concerns me. I have been actively involved with the In Time of Change program for the past 12 years, studying with scientists to understand their research and what it means for our natural world. I strive to convey, in a very personal way, what I have come to know.”

Thirteen of Ree's quilts are at the exhibit, including the two shown below: High Mountain Storm and Dwarf Birch, Light.

High Mountain Storm

Dwarf Birch, Light

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